Political Tidbits

Jun 22, 2024

Editor’s note:  For our new readers Political Tidbits is done periodically. Occasionally there may be one with a link for more details.  BTW, any tips appreciated.  Sent to [email protected].

An event (debate) in six days…may be the most important one since 1776…will it be chaos or competency?

Who profits…FL Gov. DeSantis vetoes all arts & culture funding in the state…says “in the best interests of the State.”  He did the same to projects supported by his friends in the Legislature…when state budget is $114.4 billion…with total reserves of $16.3 billion.  

Rules of decorum in the U. S. House of Representatives…have existed for centuriesRepublicans control the House…placed a gag order…to stop Members talking about…guess who…Trump’s hush money payments to a porn star…and his criminal record. 

A new political party Florida Forward is starting…leadingKerry Healey…Mitt Romney’s lieutenant governor…potential members 4 million independents…plus 8 million not registered at all.  Healy aims to reach out to voters and what matters to them.

What do Republicans have planned for the next Congress…a boxing ring?

Congressional retirements are growing…55 House members…8 Senators…wonder if they are not interested in boxing!

Longtime ally of Trump…Steve Bannonworried about going to jail July l…not sure why…he will have many friends there…with more coming.

“On Call”…Dr. Anthony Fauci’s book about his career…saving lives…getting multiple positive reviews.

Saying goodbye…to my friend & former neighbor…Joe Martin who passed away recently…served as Mayor of Elkins…and a legislative leader in West Virginia.


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