Happy Days

Aug 23, 2024

This week we saw the Democratic party change right before our eyes.  It came from a Party that squabbled, fought and found it hard to unite.  One focused on identity politics rather than the big picture. It was a new day…one could still hear the party song from yesteryear “Happy Days Are Here Again” playing in the background.

It became a celebration with thousands of American flags being waived by delegates all the while chanting USA.  Unlike any past Democratic National Convention, the focus was on the American spirit.  Throughout the week the talk was about freedom, common sense and decency.  Speaker after speaker talked about a new way forward.

The party brought forth new leaders, new voices and new ways of approaching old problems.

The important issues of the day…economy, immigration and healthcare and others were discussed.  At the end of the day everything came back to compassion, fairness and the opportunities that lie ahead.

Delegates became neighbors.  They were not going to let Project 2025 and extremism stand in the way of helping each other.

Everything came down to freedom, democracy and patriotism.

When things were over the delegates left waving their flags with a commitment of putting country over party.

Maybe “Happy Days Are Here Again.”




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