
Jul 29, 2024

Vice President Harris’ presidential campaign has taken off like a Gulfstream aircraft.  Now it’s time now to focus on the Congress.

Often voters often fail to consider a president’s success depends upon the makeup of Congress.  Congress is forgotten with so much focus on presidential and gubernatorial races.  It is for this reason I am writing to get readers to turn their attention on who they send to Congress.  The people’s business needs to get done…that is not happening today.

The 118th session of Congress has been dysfunctional.  Led by a small Republican majority failing to do their most basic work.  Recently the House GOP could not get enough votes to pass important appropriations bills and “gave up” until July 30th.  NO LEADERHIP!  There are many reasons why Congress is dysfunctional.  Committee work, oversight and negotiating are  things of the past.

Thinking back to when I worked on “the hill” passing bills had to do with bargaining across the aisle.  We worked to build coalitions to pass national legislation.  Unfortunately, the current Members of Congress have forgotten the art of compromise.  It is important in these times in which we live.

Until last week Republicans were upbeat after their national convention.  Being certain Trump and the “chosen one” J. D. Vance could help them enlarge their numbers in Congress.  Things changed when President Biden left the race and Vice President Harris came on like gang busters.  Campaigns are about the future and Democrats believe that is what Harris represents and is a real problem for Trump who is inclined to dwell on the past.

This election has every appearance of being close.  Another reason is who you send to Congress is so important.  If the election is close, it’s entirely possible our next President and Vice President will be chosen by the United States Congress as provided in the Constitution.

Get involved.


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