Political Tidbits…4.6.12

Apr 6, 2012

WHO WOULD HAVE thought the big race in the 2012 primary cycle would be to select the Democratic nominee for Commissioner of Agriculture…Republicans bounced back after the surprise given them by Mike Teets’ withdrawal…Kent Leonhardt a Monongalia farmer and ex-Marine was named as GOP candidate.

 Political polls seem to be one a minute….at least on the national level…Dick Morris did a great video commentary…on How Polling Worksclick here to an easy to understand education.

Rick Santorum and the national media writes he will benefit…from the May calendar of primaries…which includes West Virginia…how is this possible…WV will elect  28 delegates to the GOP national convention…and Santorum only has 5 WV delegates candidates pledged to him…and they may not win on May 8thMitt Romney has 46 pledged delegate candidates.

WANTED a new Chief of Staff…according to an email Chris Kofinis…has left Sen. Joe Manchin…in the beginning it was known he would only stay as long as necessary…Kofinis had been a commentator on most national TV networks…this explains Manchin’s TV appearances as freshman Senator…not that his positions did not attract attention.

WV Patriots…based in Randolph County has GOP gubernatorial candidate Bill Maloney…spending the day April 14th…news story says he will attend a dinner to end the visit…a bit surprising he will miss the Berkeley County Lincoln Dinner that evening…after almost winning [losing] the 2011 race in Eastern WV.

Everyone in the country is aware of President Obama saying he could not believe U. S. Supreme Court…would take the unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning [Obamacare] passed with a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress…but few are aware ALLEN LOUGHREY…candidate for WV Supreme Court…issued a statement deeply troubled by Obama’s comments…saying “A court’s impartiality is its principal source of its strength and legitimacy.”

Kanawha County’s Clerk has the WANTED sign out…there  is a need for election officials…even with the pay being $225 for the job…is no one interested any longer in good government…wonder if the partisan divide in Washington is playing a role.

Three with the name Manchin will appear on the Marion County ballot May 8th…Delegate Tim seeking re-election…Senator Joe…and Joe Manchin, IV is entering politics running for Marion County Commission.

The pressure is on outgoing Republican Chair Mike Stuart to move up his resignation date [May 9th]…but word has it he wants to travel to Scottsdale, AZ…in late April for State Chairman’s meeting…since he is leaving office…this would be a good move on Stuart’s part…to save party funds.

A lot of candidates to replace Stuart…calls were flying around last night…saying that Mark Sorsaia [PA in Putnam who ran against Maloney in 2011special primary] was gaining prominent support…experienced party insiders warn don’t take that to the bank…but Sorsaia may be the quiet thoughtful leader needed…after headline grabbing Stuart.

Other early candidates with known support include Conrad Lucas [Party Counsel] Leader]…Tom O’Neill [Party Vice Chair]…Joe Garcia [Summers Chair]…rumor has it Maloney’s political team wanted to put Patrick Esposito [former Democrat] in place to run the party and the gubernatorial campaign…finally Melody Potter former Associate Chair is making calls…will she be a last minute entry?

Condolences to the family of George B. “Brud” Warner a longtime Republican officeholder in Kanawha County.